Hope from Heartbreak: One Couple’s Decision to Share Joy
Following a season of grief, Kelly and Matt Wolf chose to be the hands and feet of Jesus and share the hope in their hearts with others in their community.
“We tried to have children for many, many years, and unfortunately, biologically we couldn’t. So then we went down the adoption route, and we were doing that for several years,” Kelly explained.
Kelly and Matt matched with a birth mother and were planning to welcome a child into their home, but the adoption later fell through. “We weren’t able to adopt that child, and it was a really, really tough situation.”
As this door closed for their family, the Wolfs decided to open another and pour their heart into helping others in their community. “We were really sad because something we wanted to do was have children, but we just decided we’d focus our attention on helping other people and other families around us,” said Kelly.
In 2020, they found Home of Hope while searching the internet for places to give back and chose to sponsor a family during the Christmas season. Later, they decided to not only give of their resources but also their time. “It’s just such a warm place, and it’s such a good thing that helps these mothers get back on their feet and get back out and help their kids,” Kelly said.
“It feels like a real home and not just a big shelter that isn’t personalized to the families. Each family has their spot and their own space.”
Kelly and Matt are committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus through their support, and their time at Home of Hope has brought joy to their own lives.
Kelly recalls the evening she and her husband played games with some of the children as one of her most rewarding days as a volunteer.
“It was such a fun night just seeing the kids happy and playing the games with them,” Kelly said. “I’m just a big kid, even though I’m much older than a kid. I love to get on the floor and play with the toys with them.”
Though Kelly and her husband have experienced their own share of struggle and heartbreak, their pain has pushed them to share hope, love and joy with families in crisis.
“I know that Jesus wants us to be the light, show His light, be His hands, be His feet and give more than just to ourselves — give to and help others, whether with time or money.”
“We’re on this earth for a reason, and it’s not just for our own selves.”