Checking in: life after Home of Hope
We recently checked in with Adrian to get an update on her and Mary since they’ve graduated from Home of Hope. Both Adrian and Mary and their children are living in transitional housing provided through local nonprofits – the last step to help them get ready for living completely on their own. Keep reading to get a glimpse into life after Home of Hope!
What is life like for you and Mary these days?
We have been raising our kids, working, getting our credit together and saving money. Mary and I both are in the 700 plus club!
What did you learn from Home of Hope that you are still using today?
We are still using the budgeting tool. Home of Hope taught me to save – I keep myself on a pretty tight budget. I want to make sure I don’t fall back into debt. I’m grateful for my time at Home of Hope and what I learned there.
What encouragement would you offer other moms going through a tough time?
First, be an example to those around you. We are an example to our kids especially – they learn from us.
Second, never stop becoming a better version of yourself! Always be willing to learn and take advice from others, especially if they’re telling you something for your good. You can always do more. Never settle for less! Growth is necessary.
And last, keep your head up – better days are ahead! 2020 and 2021 had some of the best memories of my life, even though they were tough years.